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Detailed Analysis for Greater Benefit

Value Engineering - Sechelt-Water-Resource-Centre-2

A Focus on Solutions

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The highest potential for Value Engineering (VE) is in an integrated team setting during the pre-construction stage, when design, construction, and other professional disciplines are aligned.

As part of Maple Reinders’ VE process, multiple facets of value delivery are hypothesized, tested, and enacted continuously. Team members across different functional lines consider the project in a holistic sense. Instant feedback and a solution mentality are fostered with a focus not on getting money out of a project, but on putting value into the project for the duration of the facility’s useful life.

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Value Engineering - 2b-Moberly

Real world innovative thinking. Creative problem solving.

Key to our successful VE process is our understanding that it is not simply a cost-cutting exercise. A considerable amount of innovative thinking is required to come up with alternative solutions, solutions that might not always provide direct financial savings, but offer a better alternative at the same cost with possible long-term savings over the life of the facility.

Value Engineering - Lyndon-Grovum

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Get in Touch

Still questioning the ‘value’ of our Value Engineering approach? Give us a call, we’d love to chat.

Lyndon Grovum,Design Project Director

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