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Maple Facilities Management

Since 1989 Maple Facilities Management Inc. (MFM) has been an industry expert founded on first-hand experience in providing world class commissioning and O&M services to water and wastewater treatment facilities, pump stations, filtration plants, and conveyance infrastructure projects to both municipal and industrial clients throughout Canada.

Our O&M Team is able to apply technical expertise to develop a solutions-based approach, working in collaboration with clients to ensure a coordinated approach for the optimization of costs, risks, service/performance and sustainability.

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Get us working for you

Want to know more about Maple Facilities Management and how they can help your next infrastructure project? Give us a call to understand more.

Mark Rupke, General Manager, MFM

[email protected]

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Canada’s largest operator of municipal organics processing

Maple Reinders is Canada’s largest private operator of municipal organics processing infrastructure through its subsidiary AIM Environmental Group Ltd., a fully integrated, co-owned Operation, Maintenance & Repair (OMR) Service Provider.

AIM Environmental are leaders in the field, with industry-leading technical and process knowledge, and unique and influential insight into advanced technologies and changing regulations in the organics processing realm.

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“Several Canadian municipalities have prioritized the removal of organic material from landfills to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability. Maple Reinders and AIM Environmental have been uniquely instrumental in their realization of these critical objectives and are actively providing these services coast to coast.”

Reuben Scholtens, National Vice-President, Pre-Construction

[email protected]


Tonnes of organic waste

Our OMR group processes annually.


Cities across Canada

Are serviced by our facilities.



Benefit from our OMR services.

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