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Trent Severn Waterway Infrastructure

Trent Severn Waterway Infrastructure - TSW-Hero
  • Client

    Public Works & Government Services Canada

  • Completed


  • Location

    Port Severn, ON

  • Delivery Models

    Construction Management

  • Market

    Waterway Structures and Hydro Power

Trent Severn Waterway Infrastructure

The Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site is a major network of locks, bridges and dams that traverses 386km through central Ontario. Water levels and flows throughout the watershed are managed by approximately 160 operable dams and water control structures, many of which are nearing the end of their lifecycle.

Rehabilitation work on the Waterway was awarded in four separate construction contracts representing four different bundles of work: Central, North, South and Kirkfield. Maple Reinders was awarded work on the Central, South and North bundles, the first two as part of a joint venture.

The goal of the overall project is to repair or replace assets in poor condition with similar structures while maintaining important cultural and heritage elements of the original construction.

The Waterways Infrastructure Investment program is one part of the Government of Canada’s $3 billion investment into Parks Canada infrastructure – the largest in the agency’s history. The Central Bundle contract specifically – at $148.5 million – is the largest single project ever awarded to Maple Reinders.

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