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Toronto Transit Commission Carhouse Upgrades

Toronto Transit Commission Car House Upgrades - Toronto-Transit-Commission-Carhouse-feat
  • Client

    Toronto Transit Commission

  • Completed


  • Location

    Toronto, ON

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Toronto Transit Commission Car House Upgrades - Toronto-Transit-Commission-Carhouse-intro

TTC Carhouse Upgrades – Toronto

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is Toronto’s public transportation provider with a network of subways, streetcars and buses.

The Roncesvalles and Russell Carhouses are two of Toronto’s oldest, and most important, transportation/maintenance hubs. The project awarded to Maple Reinders was part of a phased program to address operational improvements at both car houses.

The work at Russell Carhouse consisted of a new wash-down pit to replace the existing hand-scrape and air-blast undercar cleaning system with a high-pressure water system.

The work at Roncesvalles Carhouse consisted of the installation of a second low cut platform for maintenance of the streetcars; complete with demolition work, concrete placement, electrical and mechanical work. The project was particularly challenging due to the confined work space.

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