The Mid-Halton WWTP Project was a significant expansion to an existing treatment plant located in the Town of Oakville which services portions of the Town of Oakville, Town of Milton, Halton Hills and City of Burlington. The planned Phase IV and V expansion added 50 Megalitres/day (ML/day), increasing the plant rated capacity from 75 Megalitres/day to 125 Megaliters/day. Phase IV and V expansions to the Wastewater Treatment Plant includes work in each the following areas:
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Water/Wastewater Treatment
Design-Bid-Build contract by Glenmore Ellison Improvement District to construct a pump station and reservoir as part of the Ellison Separation upgrade works
Maple Reinders’ work included building new and/or upgrading a total of 5 pump stations and reservoirs for the City of Kelowna
The project included a sequenced build including the construction and commissioning of the new headworks, followed by the demolition of the old headworks structure.
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