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Guelph Organic Waste Processing Facility

Guelph Organic Waste Processing Facility - Guelph-OWPF-Featured
  • Client

    City of Guelph

  • Size

    30,000 Tonnes/Year

  • Completed


  • Location

    Guelph, ON

  • Delivery Models


  • Market

    Organics Waste Management

Guelph Organic Waste Processing Facility - Guelph-OWPF-Intro

Waste Resource Innovation Centre Composting Facility – Guelph

Maple Reinders was selected to undertake the replacement of a defunct composting facility for the City of Guelph located at the Waste Resource Innovation Centre. The design of the new facility called for the re-use of existing foundations and remaining sound structural components. The in-tunnel aerated static pile process utilized a patented process technology from Christiaens Group, one of Maple Reinders’ partners on the project, with four Phase 1 composting tunnels and three Phase 2 tunnels.

Due to public concerns about odour, Maple Reinders proposed a stringent odour control system which included air curtains installed around rapid-roll up truck bay doors in the tipping area to prevent fugitive emissions. The City’s requirement of 1 Odour Unit (OU) at the site perimeter led the team to incorporate a Biorem® biofilter with an exhaust stack to provide maximum odour control.

The facility also includes an indoor maturation area and administrative offices. The facility is operated by Maple Reinders’ subsidiary AIM Environmental Group.

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Guelph Organic Waste Processing Facility - Guelph-OWPF-Flex1
Guelph Organic Waste Processing Facility - Guelph-OWPF-Flex2

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