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Gordon Food Service, Calgary DC

Gordon Food Service, Calgary DC - GFS-Calgary-Featured
  • Client

    GFS Properties Ltd.

  • Size

    290,000 SF

  • Completed


  • Location

    Calgary, AB

  • Delivery Models


  • Market

    Food and Beverage

Gordon Food Service, Calgary DC - GFS-Calgary-Intro

Gordon Food Service – Calgary Distribution Centre

Maple Reinders designed and built a new distribution centre for Gordon Food Services’ Calgary operations. The 290,000 SF facility consists of 142,000 SF of freezer, cooler and cold dock areas, 14,750 SF of cold food processing areas, 92,000 SF of ambient storage and 41,250 SF of finished office and equipment areas.

The construction of this building consisted of pile foundations, grade beams, structural steel frame, and EPDM roofing. In order to achieve the desired R-values for the different temperatures which would be found in the facility, a variety of different sized insulated metal panels were installed.

Outflow water quality and quantity was of great importance on this project from both the process areas as well as the refrigeration equipment. To meet and exceed municipal standards Maple Reinders installed a series of interceptors and a fat/oil/grease preceptor for the process areas. Two water recycling systems for the exterior truck wash and the refrigeration equipment were installed. These allowed for a reduction in the water dependence of the building, thereby lowering the initial levies Gordon Food Services was required to pay the municipality and lowering the incremental costs of running their operations allowing for a good rate of return.

This facility was designed and built with the intention of two future expansions which will bring the total size of the building to 500,000 square feet.

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Gordon Food Service, Calgary DC - GFS-Calgary-Flex-1

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