Maple Reinders was awarded a lump sum contract to construct a chlorine injection system in two existing bioreactors at the Bonnybrook Waste Water Treatment Plant. The chlorine injection system was designed to funnel the scum that accumulates on the top of the bioreactors under a spray hood where a chlorine solution would then be sprayed over the scum, destroying the filamentous bacteria and norcadia.
Maple Reinders was very involved in informal value engineering work with the City directly with some involvement by AECOM. This lead to some significant design changes which simplified the system to provide a more robust solution for the City. These design changes included the re-design of the spray hoods and the boom layout within the bioreactors.
The project was challenging in that the work had to be completed within two existing bioreactors and within the existing service tunnels of the plant. Maple worked closely with the Staff at Bonnybrook WWTP to ensure there were no operational issues.
Maple Reinders used their own forces for the entire project with the exception of the electrical work, a freestanding chlorine solution storage building, and the chlorine solution metering skid. Work onsite began in October 2010 and we achieved substantial completion in December 2010.
Upon completion, the client was very satisfied with Maple’s work and the final product. Some additional work outside of Maple’s scope prevented the immediate use of the system, however, initial testing indicated that the system worked as designed.
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Process Mechanical
Maple Reinders capitalized on the strengths of both its Buildings and Civil divisions to complete upgrades to the Hagersville Water Pollution Control Plant.
Work on this project involved the supply and installation of new channel bulkhead gates in the live primary effluent channel supply.
This project consisted of a high-pressure steam delivery system from existing Energy from Waste Facility.
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