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Barrie Raw Water Intake

Barrie Raw Water Intake - Barrie-Raw-Water-Intake-Featured
  • Client

    City of Barrie

  • Completed


  • Location

    Barrie, ON

  • Delivery Models


  • Market

    Waterway Structures and Hydro Power

Barrie Raw Water Intake - Barrie-Raw-Water-Intake-Intro

Raw Water Intake Pipe Line & Low Lift Pumping Station – Barrie

Maple Reinders was hired by the City of Barrie to construct a raw water intake pipe line and a low lift pumping station wet well. The raw water intake pipe consisted of 800m of 1500mm marine intake pipe, which Maple floated out on the lake and then sank.

Innovations employed on this project included the successful use of depressurization and dewatering to control the subsurface water and staged access to excavation by utilizing ramp into hole.

The low lift pumping station wet well was built using drilled caisson construction. It is 20m in diameter, 14m deep with a 65m long temporary steel sheet pile coffer dam and three depressurization wells.

Environmental sustainability was a huge consideration on this project. The amount of mature trees removed during the site cleaning was minimized, saving about 20 mature trees. The forest removals and debris were mulched and the in-water dumping kept well within the environmental guidelines for TSS.

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Barrie Raw Water Intake - Barrie-Raw-Water-Intake-Square2
Barrie Raw Water Intake - Barrie-Raw-Water-Intake-Square3

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