The Peel Energy-from-Waste facility, owned by Algonquin Power, comprises five municipal solid waste (MSW) fired incinerators which generate about 20,000 lb/hr of steam at 600 psig/650oF each, and one (1) 9.3 MW steam turbine generator.
An adjacent industrial steam user, Norampac, currently uses about 100,000 lb/hr of saturated steam for various paper mill processes. Norampac contracted with Algonquin Power for the supply of steam, which Algonquin Power provides from the incinerators and from a new 150,000 lb/hr gas-fired water tube package boiler to accommodate increases in steam delivery to Norampac of up to 150,000 lb/hr.
Maple Reinders was contracted to build a linked steam corridor from the Algonquin Power facility to Norampac’s location. The steam is delivered to Norampac via a combined buried and above ground steam line. After use at Norampac, the condensate is returned to a condensate collection tank. The condensate is subsequently returned to the Energy Plant site for re-use.
The work included installation of a boiler, stack, deaerator, transfer pumps, and booster pumps, steam piping between the Energy Plant and Norampac (including 2 steam meters), condensate and feedwater piping, steam desuperheating and pressure reducing station, water storage, water treatment plant, air compressors and control systems.
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Process Mechanical
Maple Reinders capitalized on the strengths of both its Buildings and Civil divisions to complete upgrades to the Hagersville Water Pollution Control Plant.
Work on this project involved the supply and installation of new channel bulkhead gates in the live primary effluent channel supply.
Maple Reinders constructed a chlorine injection system in two existing bioreactors at the Bonnybrook Waste Water Treatment Plant.
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