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Organics Waste Management - Calgary-Compost-Edited

Canada’s pioneers in environmental construction

Maple Reinders has a long history in designing, building, commissioning, operating, and maintaining municipal aerobic digestion (composting) facilities. We are also Canada’s pioneer in designing, constructing and commissioning organics anaerobic digestion facilities.

Maple Reinders has designed, built, operates and maintains more municipal organics aerobic and anaerobic facilities than any other company in Canada. Simply put, we are the leader in this space.

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Organics Waste Management - Hamilton-CCF-Intro

Leading the future of organics waste management

Maple Reinders has expertise to deliver through all facets of project lifecycle. In addition to design, construction, commissioning, operations, and maintenance, if a critical infrastructure project requires any form of short or long-term financing, we are ideally suited to arrange this through our investment subsidiary, Maple Reinders PPP Ltd.

Through our partial-subsidiary and partner, the AIM Environmental Group – we operate several of Canada’s largest and most advanced municipal organics treatment facilities, processing and managing approximately 10% or Canada’s residential organics waste.

Maple Reinders’ work in the advanced organic processing field is so respected that many of the requirements set out in new RFPs are based on criteria which we have established with municipal Owners and provincial stakeholders.

Grey Container –  do not delete or move.

Our role as innovators is proven by the number of “firsts” we’ve brought to market:

  • Installing the first and second biosolids advanced drum and fluid-bed dryers in Canada presently, representing a major shift in Biosolids Class A treatment in Canada
  • Designed and built North America’s largest in-vessel composting assembly at Calgary Compost Facility
  • Designed and built Canada’s first municipal organics liquid anaerobic digester at Georgian Bluffs Biogas
  • First company to introduce innovative European tunnel technology to Canada, at ground-breaking Hamilton Centralized Compost Facility
  • Designed, and currently constructing and financing North America’s most advanced municipal organics aerobic digestion facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Related Projects

Delivering Success

Maple Reinders has successfully delivered in both Industrial and Organics Waste Management and other sectors.

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Organics Waste Management - Richmond-Biogas-1
Organics Waste Management - CRD-Residuals-Treatment-Facility-1
Organics Waste Management - Hamilton-Biosolids-Management-1

“Hamilton’s compost facility has become a benchmark, visited by representatives of municipalities across North America and the world looking to implement similar programs.”

– Craig Murdoch,
Manager of Waste Disposal, City of Hamilton

Organics Waste Management - Reuben-Web

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Get Us Working for You

Still have questions about Maple Reinders’ Organics Waste Management services and how they can help your next infrastructure project? Give us a call to understand more.

Reuben ScholtensNational Vice-President, Pre-Construction

[email protected]

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