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Building a Better World

maple team standing beside their bikes for ride to conquer cancer

As accountable members of our communities we strive to improve the world around us, not only with buildings and infrastructure, but in enhancing our shared environment. We believe we must act as stewards of the environment, implementing green solutions in both our office operations as well as on our sites.

We invest in new technology, turn organic waste into useable energy and help deliver innovations such as green roofs, smart glass and energy-efficient buildings to help ensure a healthier future.

“Servant leadership to our fellow men and women is the key to a life of freedom and peace”

Fred J. Reinders, Founder & Chairman, Maple Reinders

The Reinders Family Foundation. Sharing our success.

Maple Reinders believes in being of service, not only to our clients, but to our communities as well. Every year, we donate a portion of our profits to worthy organizations across Canada, through our Reinders Family Foundation.

We focus our support on civic and environmental initiatives that help sustain and support deserving communities throughout Canada. We also encourage every member of our team to show their support and get involved in local events and organizations.

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Habitat for Humanity

Our Mississauga team worked hard with Habitat for Humanity on their Burlington construction site. The sense of community and camaraderie that was shared was a great experience for everyone involved.

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Ride to Conquer Cancer

The Maple Reinders cycling team participated in the 2018 Ontario Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, benefiting The Campbell Family Institute at The Princess Margaret Hospital. They rode in excess of 200 km while keeping all of our sponsors in mind, and in our heart.

The Maple Reinders cycling team raised over $30,500.00 this year and has collected over $367,500.00 in the past ten years!

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Fundraising BBQ for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Every summer, Maple Reinders Kelowna holds their annual fundraising BBQ in support of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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The Scott Mission

This summer, a group of Maple employees volunteered to prepare and serve lunch at The Scott Mission located downtown Toronto. The Scott Mission is a Christian non-denominational charity organization providing services to poor, homeless and vulnerable people.

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Calgary Marathon

A team effort in and out of the office, Maple Reinders employees participated in the Calgary Marathon this summer.

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The Maple Reinders team was able to donate $3,535 to the BC Cancer Foundation. This money was raised by our site team on the CRD Residuals Treatment Facility project. We were able to get donations from subcontractors as well as other affiliates in the project.

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Salvation Army Christmas Drive

Maple Reinders once again partnered with the Salvation Army for their annual Christmas Drive. Between a couple of offices we raised over $10,000, money used to provide underprivileged families with a food hamper and new toys for children.


Our Team


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