
January 24, 2019
We have many partners in our daily living. It usually starts early in the morning at breakfast or in setting the agenda for the day. Where do I have to be, who is expecting me to provide information and who do I have to assist? Who is my partner? How and what do I communicate? It is all a matter of service relations and working together. Airports are a good example of a complex organization with many persons trying to move thousands, travelling from here to there!
On a recent trip, my wife and I were stranded on arrival at a large airport. We had arranged for travel assist but the airport organization was in a tizzy. Although it had been requested, there was no cart to transport us to the next station. It became obvious that the airport staff had lost track of its service function.
“It starts with agreeing on a task, followed by meeting a deadline and delivering with quality of service, with execution of the job at hand.”
To the credit of the airline, the senior flight attendant, terminating her flight and noticing our problem, stepped up to the plate and said: “I will personally take you to where you have to be” and she did, at her own inconvenience. What moved her to do so? A smile from my wife? A person with character, well trained in a company culture? A great travel partner!
As a Company, we are engaged in many partnerships, internally and externally.It starts with agreeing on a task, followed by meeting a deadline and delivering with quality of service, with execution of the job at hand.
Many years ago, young people engaged to be married, would walk arm in arm, in a sense stating: “hey… we belong together and have the same interest and have joined arms!” With great partnerships, the owners rely on us to deliver on time! My professional pride tells me to act responsibly! Did I produce the right product? Did I reach out to help?
A company with an effective service culture grows while grooming and building persons of character in establishing open relationships with outreach. Enjoyment of life goes hand in hand, with healthy personal and company partnerships.
– Fred J. Reinders, Chairman