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Maple Reinders’ Annual Safety Campaign: 12 Gifts of Safety

In December, Maple Reinders, one of Canada’s leading construction and engineering companies, was proud to announce our first annual “12 Gifts of Safety” campaign. The campaign was designed to promote safe practices in the workplace and to raise awareness about the importance of safety in construction and engineering.

Safety is a top priority at Maple Reinders, and we are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, and visitors. The “12 Gifts of Safety” campaign is just one of the many ways that Maple Reinders demonstrates its dedication to safety.

The campaign, which ran from December 1st to December 12th, features a series of interactive and engaging activities designed to promote safety in the workplace. Craig Sparks, Director of health and safety at Maple Reinders, issued a challenge where each day, employees and contractors participated in different activities focused on a specific aspect of safety, such as fall protection, hazard communication, and personal protective equipment. Some of the major key takeaways were:

  • Encouraged workers to make a commitment to themselves and their colleagues to work safely all year long.
  • Being mindful of others and being an attentive listener.
  • Motivated workers to listen to safety reminders from colleagues and continue to practice them on a regular basis.

Maple Reinders was featured in an article on Daily Commercial News by Construct Connect under the name “Maple Reinders hosts 12 Gifts of Safety Campaign” and a supporting social media campaign was posted on our official social media.

Learn more about Maple Reinders’ commitment to safety and follow our blog for more information

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